Welcome To

The Recalibration Program

A Personalized Approach To Manifesting A Fulfilling Life

With over 100 interactive lessons, you’ll have a massive tool kit to help you heal and manifest a life you love

Be the hero of your story

This is for you if…

…you have struggled from not being able to have control over your reactions and emotions and crave some much-needed clarity so you can move forward in life with a courageous heart and peaceful mind.

…you are ready to create more true prosperity and abundance in your life. Within this program, you’ll be given all the codes you need to activate your potential, be deeply connected to your direction and purpose and have the confidence to be able to deliver your purpose to the world. The moment this activates in you, your prosperity will magnify.

…you are ready to overcome all your self-limiting beliefs and reprogram your subconscious mind through various techniques, including powerful QHHT (quantum healing hypnosis technique) sessions to understand what’s blocking you and how to clear it once and for all.

…you have struggled to authentically and deeply love every part of yourself and accept who you are - for all the greatness and all the mistakes, flaws, and imperfections. In this program, you will finally access the true love you have been seeking in all the wrong places. You’ll stop feeling insecure about yourself and comparing yourself to others.

…you are ready to live life in a holistic way through refining your daily habits, lifestyle adjustments, advice from Ayurveda, Astrology, and Numerology to give you the insight you need so you can finally thrive and bring your gifts to the world with a roadmap you can easily follow.

…you want to be connected to other sensitive souls who know they are here to play a bigger game in this reality - to have a greater and more positive contribution and impact on the planet and those you love.

Success Stories

People like you who’ve taken the leap and stepped into their full potential


Lantz, Lawyer

Amberlynn, Legal Assistant

Prudence, Entrepreneur

Nick, Health Professional

Scott, VP in Tech

“You're definitely one of my favorite people on planet earth right now, just for being your Authentic self giving me a boost right when I need it most!!”~ Prudence

“I have a chronic illness that has been hard to deal with my entire life. Now I have Ayurveda herbs, kundalini yoga kriyas, mantras, meditations, and healing breathwork practices to help alieviate pain and heal my nervous system. ” ~ Lantz

“This is exactly what I was looking for, life changing!! My life was a bit chaotic and I was in complete overwhelm… now I have the tools to find balance when I feel off. No longer am I letting my emotions stop me from my goals!”
~ Amberlynn

“I finally have a lot of the things I had been really striving for attained and it makes me feel good about my life and about how my outlook is. The amount of abundance that has been coming this year is huge, all the positive changes and healthiness have been very enriching.”~ Nick

“Thank you so much for this. You have been a weekly light in my life all summer and will be forever grateful. I learned so much from the whole experience and feel better for having done it! You have a lot of gifts to share with the world, please continue to do so. We will all be better off for it.” ~ Scott

Get Started On Your Journey

I used to feel…

You are going to remove those old ways, patterns, and behaviors that keep you stuck and not progressing. You’re going to Know Where Your Going Once & For All

We’re going to get you radiating at an entirely new frequency from now on. No more falling off the path. No more misaligned actions. No more saying yes when it’s a no and no more saying no when it’s a yes!

I used to struggle feeling depressed, without a sense of direction, overly emotional with too many feelings I couldn’t make sense of and felt completely abandoned by the Universe/God - whatever you wanna call it. That thing we pray to… it felt like it was too far away and couldn’t hear my sobbing heart and desperate prayers..

It was a long road to understand, heal and repair my mind and heart - it took me 20 years to somewhat get it and another 10 years of deeply exploring alternative healing tools from gurus in India, to Native Americans in New Mexico, to healers in Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico and all over Southeast Asia…

I took the long road to heal… I want to give you the fast track so you don’t have to make the same mistakes I’ve made.

Once I started truly practicing Recalibration protocols on a daily, consistent basis - everything changed. In order to create a new reality, I had to be real! I had to get clear on what I wanted and who I wanted to be. But… that’s not enough. You have to clear out the inner self-sabotaging blocks that hold you back from that greatest version of yourself.

And THAT is what this program is all about.

Ultimately, in this 9-week container, you are going to learn how to love yourself on an incredible level and finally be able to trust yourself. Remember, without trust and faith - obstacles are everywhere. With faith & trust - you enter into the realm of magic and miracles where grace, ease, and flow is your New Normal.

My mission is to uplift and inspire you so you can truly know how to embrace life - the good, the bad, everything in between and deeply know and trust that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Why I’m qualified to guide you

To create this program it took 20 years of life experience and 10 years of traveling and searching for the world’s best healers and coaches. I’ve invested heavily into trainings, certifications, retreats, programs, courses, masterminds, and degrees to learn what I’ve spent my entire life trying to find - the tools that actually work to create permanent positive change and transformation.

The course has everything from specific (and ancient) breathing techniques I learned from Yogi’s in the Himalayas to healing techniques from Buddhist monks in Thailand to cleansing and purification practices by Balinese Priests in Indonesia. It incorporates knowledge from Herbology, Ayurveda, Astrology, Numerology, Mantras, Mudras, Hypnotherapy, Channeling sessions and more.

This course is the best of the best of what life has given me and you're getting 30 years of wisdom, knowledge, and healing condensed into a 9-week program. We’re clearing out all the garbage and issues that made you lack the drive, direction, focus, clarity, and confidence you’ve needed to be able to achieve your goals. You are your biggest asset. The more wholesome, healed, and authentic you become, the more abundant you become. Remember - you are what you attract.

Let’s Address The “Side Benefits”

What are the long term side effects of Recalibration?


Not one… There are only what I like to call, “side benefits.” The moment you take your life in to your own hands, you will start to respect yourself to a higher standard and thus, other people will notice and respect you too. Additional side benefits may include: landing your dream job, manifesting true love and lasting relationships, finally gaining the courage to go after what your heart really wants in life.

Will this Program work for me?


If you’ve had a lifelong chronic problem with overbearing critical voices keeping you in a state of anxiety, fear, and/or depression - yes. If you’ve never been able to overcome comparing yourself to others and feeling more insecure than secure - yes. This program will work for you if you’re ready to draw the “line in the sand” and claim the future that you so rightly deserve.

So, What’s On The Inside?

 Every week for 9 consecutive weeks we will have a 90-minute live call that will include talk therapy to check in, hypnotherapy, shamanic visualization journeying, and yogic breathwork to open and clear the subconscious mind’s blocks and reprogram your belief system to align with your higher self wellness goals and intentions.

Additionally, there will be pre-recorded content for you with other healing modalities like; Ayurveda, Astrology, Numerology, Crystal and Gem Therapies, Human Design reading, Aromatherapy, Prayer Practices, Tantra, Journaling prompts, and Channeling sessions.

You’ll also have homework to complete at your own time throughout the course for getting clear on your goals and intentions, yoga and meditation sets to complete, and other prompts and exercises for a deeper awareness of your true self.

The Weekly Breakdown

Every week there will be:

  • Kundalini Yoga Classes to repair the nervous system

  • Specific Meditations for the weekly theme

  • Downloadable High-Frequency Angelic Music

  • Journaling prompts to keep you focused on your goals

Week 1 - Ayurveda Refinment & Goal Setting

  • Setting intentions for the next nine weeks

  • Develop clarity, purpose, & direction

  • Ayurveda intake forms

  • Weekly call

Together we are going to set clear intentions and begin the process of refinement by setting goals, completing an Ayurvedic assessment and diving into your astrological birth chart.

With over 100 lessons, you’ll have a massive tool kit to help you heal and manifest a life you love

Week 2 - Getting Clear On Your Ideal Reality

  • Connect to Source practices

  • Visualization tools that activate your true desires

  • This is where we get clear on who you truly are

  • Weekly call

Clarity is key and its your power to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Week 3 - Locking In The New YOU

  • Specific therapies that help get into the flow state

  • New practices to activate the empowered version of you

  • Removal of the old belief systems

  • Weekly call

Once you have clarity, we’re going to lock in the new version of you through processes that eliminate self-doubt and give you powerful self-reliance, confidence, and charisma

After completion of the course, you’ll get lifetime access + any updates & a free membership to Yoga Stars

Week 4 - Subconscious Reprograming w/ Hypnotherapy

  • Embody abundance & prosperity principles

  • Healing past situations that caused hidden blocks

  • Removal of inner conflicts

  • Weekly call

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to access the deeper layer of your mind where all the inner conflicts are that stop you from going after your goals and dreams by being brave.

Week 5 - Open Opportunities w/ Feng Shui

  • Understanding the subtle energetics of feng shui

  • Applying important feng shui principles into your space

  • Receive a customized plan for home energy optimization

  • Create energetically aligned sacred spaces

  • Weekly call

This week we bring divinity into the home which is seen as more love, peace, joy, happiness, and bliss. Here you will learn how to create a proper altar, use crystals, flowers, and essential oils based on your numerology and astrology.

With over 100 lessons, you’ll have a massive toolkit to help you heal and manifest a life you love

Week 6 - Receive Your Mantra

  • Improve self-worth, self-respect, & self-esteem

  • Practice and understand how mantra works

  • Get a mantra to use to overcome any challenge

  • Weekly call

Get an enriching (and direct experience) of the power of mantra and also learn the technology behind this ancient system of balance and healing. Learn what mantras to use for any intentions, healings, or manifestations you are desiring.

Week 7 - Inner Child Healing - For More Joy & Freedom

  • Learn my signature Inner Child Healing process

  • Removing negativity & past traumas

  • Learning how to let go, surrender

  • Weekly call

Here we will connect with the little boy or girl that lives inside of you and help him/her process some experiences that might have caused trauma or shock. Once this is fully processed you’ll be on the other side living as a free, refreshed and new version of you. Its a complete rebirth.

After completion of the course, you’ll get lifetime access + any updates & a free membership to Yoga Stars

Week 8 - EFT For A Calm Nervous System

  • Meditation for Permanent Emotional Balance

  • Learning & applying the Emotional Freedom Technique

  • Practices for reducing anxiety

  • Weekly call

A calm nervous system allows you to think more clearly and be more present in the moment. It is also the key to your ability to recieve your desires. This is key to manifesting what you want.

Week 9 - Final Liberation Practices

  • Liberating Kundalini yoga practice

  • Final powerful meditation practice

  • Lifetime access & downloads

  • Weekly call - sharing key takeaways

You’ll be given a powerful Kundalini Activation Process for healing, transformation, and… liberation. With infinite resources in your pocket, you will feel confident and ready to embark upon your exciting, unique, and special path.

With over 100 lessons, you’ll have a massive tool kit to help you heal and manifest a life you love


  • Extra meditations for healing, connection, and confidence

  • Extra books for motivation

  • Bonus music tracks for transcendence

These extra bonuses are all the things I wanted to fit into the course, but didnt make sense into the outline, so I included a bonus section with extra resources to support your healing and manifesting journey 😍

With over 100 lessons, you’ll have a massive tool kit to help you heal and manifest a life you love

With over 100 interactive lessons, you’ll have a massive tool kit to help you through any situation.

You’re ready.

The Investment?

You’re ready for that next soul-level upgrade